Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 75

Okay, so it has been a few days since I last posted, and here's why:  I was just too tired!

I have literally worn myself out this week "thinking" about my new exercise schedule, and that has not been joyful. 

For example, the night before my bike ride, I kept waking myself up wondering if I could even ride a bike that has brakes which are operated by my hands, instead of my feet!  And it was even worse the night before my "race pace" workout where I was asked to run for 22 minutes as hard as I could (roughly 160 bpm).  I kept waking up thinking, "That just sounds way too hard.  I might die.  I'm almost 43!"

Enough of that negative self doubt.  The Deceiver has been after me, but I am bound and determined to outrun him.  Heck, even when he was nipping at my heals and riding on my back during my "race pace" day, I was still able to run sub 9-minute miles!  You can't keep this girl down!

So today, after a day of rest, I am ready to hit the 30-minute (140 bpm) run tomorrow, refreshed and revived by the Holy Spirit's reminder to be joyful!

Until next time,

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