Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Post 10K Update - 2

So much has happended since running my 10K in mid-July! 

My physique has changed; my feelings about running have changed; my feeling while I am running has changed, and my overall fitness has changed - ALL FOR THE BETTER!!

I'll address my physique today.  As you may remember, I mentioned in one of my July posts (as I was nearing the end of my 10K training) that my weight loss had stalled out.  I wasn't getting any leaner, but I was working mega hard!  I was also disappointed that I still had a soft mid-section (YEESH!) 

Well, I am happy to report that I am in the middle of a very exciting body transformation cycle that is extremely encouraging. Yes, I have lost a few more pounds (I am now down to 117 lbs, which is what I weighed on my wedding day over 12 years ago)!  But what is even more exciting than that is how lean, strong and fit I look and feel.  I really feel healthy and vital.  My mid-section has even lost its underlayer of flab!

Sure, it's taken 5 months to get to this place.  The work has been tough at times.  Thirty minutes of running seemed unattainable on March 14th.  A 10K seemed a little excessive on July 15th.  Now, I eat those races for breakfast!!! ;-) 

My current workout regimen is Interval Speed Training, where the warm-ups and cool-downs are 1 1/2 mile runs, with 400m and 600m sprints sandwiched in the middle.  It seems impossible, but it's not!  I don't have special powers, but I do have the drive!  Come on; put it in gear and join me!!!

Get your motor runnin'!
;-) Missi

1 comment:

Leslie (Clune) Gross said...

Wow Missi! I am so impressed with this blog. I do remember in high school that you were always a fast sprinter - you were my inspiration to stay fast too and made it a point myself to try to keep up with you in speed. So, once again, you have inspired me and i am going to give this training a shot and see what happens. I will keep you posted.